Mmmmh!? Ok ... No.3

The way kids speak is getting more and more out of control?! The changes society go hand-in-hand with those in language. Here, the creation of ›ethnolects,‹ a trend found in Germany’s urban centers with larger migrant populations, really stands out. What influence do schools, the media, socio-economic level and migration have? All of the statistical information gathered through dedicated field studies are explored and graphically presented.  

The third and last volume looks to open a (public) discourse about youth language. Involving the thoughts of society at large on the subject, scientific research is also considered here. The volume offers critique and presents a picture as to how the consequences of this trend in language could play out in the future.

Print.Illustration.Datavis + Icon


size 17x23 cm, 64 pages
open thread stitching
diploma project at HRSM

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